European Pheasant Hunt
Our European pheasant hunt course is set up in a timbered area. The release tower is in the center of the timber. Ten shooting stations surround the tower in a large circle. Some of the shoot stations are in the open and others are nestled in the timber. We will release 1/10 of the birds, and then shooters rotate to a new station. (Shooters will shoot at all ten stations.) As pheasant are released they fly tree-top high, 40- mph past the shooting stations. This is a ‘shoot’; bring five boxes of shells and a trigger finger ready to fire! Three hundred pheasant will be released – we will see how many you can bring down.
$425 per shooter
The above cost is for fifteen pheasant per shooter. There are twenty shooters per shoot making a 300 pheasant release. A $75.00 non-refundable deposit is required and will be applied to the total cost of the shoot. Contact us to be placed on the shooter list and we will notify you of shoot dates. Individuals and groups are welcome.
Flying Feathers Hunting Lodge
You will start your day at Flying Feathers hunting lodge. You will then be assigned to shooting stations, given instructions and tips for the shoot, and move to the shoot site. During the shoot you will have the time of your life. You’ll enjoy watching the retrievers work at each station bringing back the downed birds. Break will be served at the half-way point: homemade cookies, coffee, soda and water. Then we will release the next 150 pheasant, take a photo and return to the lodge. While we clean and package your birds, you will laugh, tell stories and drink coffee by the fire.
A home cooked meal including: BBQ pork, brisket and ham, a gratin potatoes, rice casserole, vegetables, salads, bread and home baked pies and dessert will be served at noon.
The following is information you may find helpful:
MO small game hunting license is required or Preserve permits are sold on site for $5.00. If you are born after 1-1-67 please bring your hunter safety card to purchase a permit.
Bring a hunter orange vest or cap, safety glasses or sun glasses, and ear plugs.
A cooler to transport game home.
We recommend a modified or full choke barrel. You must have the plug in your gun per Missouri law.
Bring 5-6 boxes of shells
We recommend 2 ¾ “, #6 high brass Magnum load.
Gratuity will be collected for the Dog Handlers/Retrievers